How to set up publish rules between stores

To publish changes directly from one store to another within your organization, you need to define specific rules for each data scope. These rules define the source and target of the changes, as well as the properties that will be used to uniquely match the objects between the two stores.

If a store is set as the target store of another store’s publishing rule, you will also need to approve it in the target store before the rule is activated.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to define and approve publishing rules:

Step 1: Navigate to the app settings

In the left sidebar of the admin, click on Settings, and then click on Publish rules in the menu.

The settings menu
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The publish rules menu
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Step 2: Add and define rule

Click on the Add rule button. In the dialog window, select the source store where changes will be published from, as well as the target store where the changes will be published to.

Next, select the property that uniquely matches objects in the two stores. Espresso uses this to map the changes to the corresponding objects in the target store.

The publish rule
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When you are finished, click Save.

Step 3: Approve the rule

In the target store, navigate to the Publish rules menu and click on the “Approved” toggle to activate the rule.

Approving a publish rule
Click to zoom

Once the rule has been activated, you will be able to select the store in the publishing menu of your edits for the selected scope.

Publishing to an additional store
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How to link additional stores to your subscription